Music brings Love to the World!
The Olympics brings the World Together!
Congratulations to all Olympians!
Paris 2024
>Holm Audio Music Matters Event September 12,13, Chicago.
Special event with the representatives from Hegel, KEF, Lumin, Margules, Puritan, and VIABLUE Cables. Special note where Julian Margules will be present to discuss how our mind processes music and the ultimate goal, how can we develop test gear to measure this.
Specials and Prizes abound.
Reservations recommended for prize registration: (630) 663-1298
>>>See you in Lima, Peru at the Audio Show September 28. 29.
Details: www.consap.pe..
1) So, Is there proof as to record groove restoration? Can we measure the effectiveness of any record cleaning process? Do these processes do anything more than just to shine a record... We surely can!
Visit our KirmussAudio YouTube channel. Two short video clips show two records that were brought in by their owners at the CONSAM and Kirmuss-Margules audio event in Mexico City this past November. Records brought in for us to restore were previously cleaned using a vacuum based cleaning machine and a 120KHz ultrasonic. As we do at all events, a before and after auditioning was performed.
In the video:
Connected was a spectrum analyzer.
See, hear and feel the results of Kirmuss Record Groove Restoration.
The KirmussAudio KA-RC-1 is not a surface cleaner or shiner.
Unlike peers,
We state and guarantee a 1.3 to 1.4 dB gain over floor and an 8% increase in frequency response in new pressings. Between 3 and at times upwards of 9 dB gain over floor and heard and measured an 18-28% increase in frequency response in our processing vintage records of provenance unknown.
2) To dispel yourself many of the mistruth as to record care, when considering the purchase of any cleaning machine or using any chemicals or process:
>Ask what is the change in the floor noise level and frequency response of the record after processing.
>If considering an ultrasonic machine, is it a real ultrasonic using cavitation, and if so, what is the measured cavitational energy in the tank and between all records from bottom of the tank to the top, measured in Cavins or Watts per Square Centimeter.
3) About Alphason Tonearms:
Mike Knowles in the late 70's developed most of the tonearm designs sold globally. Considered as the creator of the modern day tonearm, some sold by SME, and of which his HR-100S saw 25% of its UK production sold to the US through SOTA. In 1985, The Absolute Sound called it the best tonearm in the world and was their reference standard. His latest design released at AXPONA 2024, the HR-200S, is NOW AVAILABLE AT SOTA.
KirmussAudio is proud to support Mike's NEXT REFERENCE STANDARD in tonearms, and are honored to be the service and support center for Alphason in North America.
Details: www.alphasonaudio.com